For those of you that have visited our house, you know that Silas's favorite toy is a beat up vacuum. He loves to pretend he's vacuuming with me and his absolute favorite thing to do is chase our dog Haven with the vacuum. Well, we are going to have to say good-bye to the vacuum.
First of all, I got it at a garage sale this summer, so it is already a hand-me-down toy. When we first got it, it was in great shape and it talked, etc. Well, the first thing that went was the extra hose, it broke off. Silas wasn't too upset about that. Next, the talking went away. I'm not sure if it is the battery or abuse! Silas was pretty upset about that, but soon forgot that it even talked. Well, after even more abuse, the wheels are barely turning, it is making a terrible sound and I think we'll have to part with it. I'm thinking we will do it over night and avoid the asking for the vacuum!!!
Anyways, here are some pictures before we say good-bye.

He looks pretty innocent with the vacuum, right?
Here he is chasing Haven down the stairs with it.

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