Wednesday, April 30, 2008

a small preview

Here's a quick peek at Silas' coming sibling...

and a couple of videos to boot...

Monday, April 28, 2008


Well, it has been awhile since we posted. Kurt was gone two weeks in a row, so that was very challenging on me. We made it though and Silas was so excited to see his daddy. So excited that when Kurt left for work today, he had a meltdown. He definitely loves his daddy.

I wanted to attach a few pictures that I thought were really cute. Silas got his first balloon last weekend and he absolutely loves them. He wouldn't let it go, so much that as you can see in the picture, he fell asleep holding onto it. We had to get rid of it while he wasn't looking. He hasn't gotten the concept that it can pop if you hold onto it too tight. But it was fun to see him play with it. The other picture is us hiking this weekend. We had beautiful weather and so we took advantage of it. Silas loves this little backpack that we have. We actually have to hide it so he can't see it when we're not using it, otherwise he just points at it and wants to go for a walk. I think we have an outdoors child on our hands, which is a very good thing, since we'll probably hike almost every weekend this year.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a week in Louisville

Sheila mentioned that I am away in Louisville for a ministry conference. It is entitled Together for the Gospel, or T4G for short. I am so thankful that Sheila is willing to sacrifice and serve the church by allowing me to opportunity to be gone. The schedule is rather grueling...from 7:10 a.m. until well after midnight each night. However, I trust that the messages we are listening to and the different opportunities for discussion will bear much fruit in the lives of those at Hope Chapel.

One of the most exciting parts of the conference is that there are over 5000 men here, with a handful (relatively) of women, who are here for the sake of the Gospel. May denominational lines are crossed, and there is a distinct unity that exists between us. It is encouraging, not to mention that they give us books...probably 11 or 12 over the course of the week. Here's a photo from the middle of the conference center to give an idea of how large this actually is...

While it is an exciting opportunity , I do look forward to returning home to Sheila and Silas on Friday evening, as it is difficult to be away. TO find out more about the conference, go to

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We miss you Daddy!

Kurt is away at a ministry conference this week, and Silas and I miss him dearly. Things just aren't the same without Daddy around! It's unfortunate that it takes Kurt being gone for me to realize how much he does for Silas and I. For example, this morning not more than 2 minutes after my alarm went off (5:00 am), Silas started crying. I had a crisis moment. Normally, I nudge Kurt and tell him I'm taking a shower and to either listen for Silas or go get him. Therefore, I get a nice long shower stress free and am able to get ready for work w/o any problems. However this morning, no such luck. I ended up taking a short, stressful shower knowing that Silas was screaming his head off, but really had no other option in order to get ready for work. Oh I could go on, and today is only the first day that Kurt is gone. Please pray for Silas and I as we unite to try and get through 2 weeks of Daddy being gone. Kurt if you are reading this, I greatly appreciate all you do and what a big role you play in our lives. We love you and miss you and can't wait for you to get back home!

Anyways, I wanted to attach a few pictures I took awhile back that are pretty cute. I hope you enjoy!

Silas taking every pair of socks out of mommy's sock drawers.......

Oh I love grilled cheese sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cute, huh!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

a fine dining experience...

This week's been a little rough for Silas...since he hasn't been feeling the greatest. His tummy has been bothering him most of the week. However, it appears that he's no longer feeling that way...see for yourself!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A realization of how blessed we are...

Working for the YMCA has provided me with a variety of experiences that I would probably never get to experience in any other organization. In February, I was able to take photos at our annual Military Father-Daughter Dance. That evening over 200 fathers and 250 daughters gathered in a formal environment to spend time together, and enjoy one another's company. During the course of the evening, not only did I shoot more than 1100 photos, I was able to speak with a variety of men who serve or have served our country as active military. Every branch was represented, and after hearing some of the stories, I was even more amazed by their dedication and sacrifice than ever before.

One of the fathers I connected with was a young man, probably in his mid twenties, that was very decorated. I knew that in the short time in the military, he had to experience far more than I could ever imagine. One of the main reasons that I connected so quickly with him, was because he brought his 18 month old daughter. I was notified this morning that he died while serving in Iraq...even now, tears begin to fill my eyes as I realize that his little girl may never remember her daddy, even though I was able to witness his sincere love for her.

As I drove home this evening after a fairly rough day at work, I recognize that it was not a rough day at all in comparison with what his family is experiencing. You see, I was able to walk in the door, greet my beautiful wife, and when Silas started fussing 10 minutes ago, go in, give him back his "nuk", kiss him on the forehead, and allow him to go back to sleep. Though we would love to live in town, closer to work, in our own place...I realize how blessed we are. We have the two things that really matter in life.

God has been kind in extending his grace to us. Because of Christ's work on the cross, we can spend eternity with Him...we don't deserve it, but I am thankful for it. Secondly, I have been blessed with an incredible wife, and an adorable son, to whom I can come home to each night. I thank God for his kindness to me for this as well...

I'll share some picture from this past weekend up in Estes Park. After a day like today, what really matters in life is clearly in view!