Monday, April 4, 2011

What has been keeping me busy.....

My little farmer boys digging in what will be my garden again soon. This usually means an immediate trip to the bathroom to assess whether we need a bath or if the sink will do!

A baby that is into absolutely everything!
Lots of bath time memories.
And keeping the kiddos out of my washer and dryer.

Ultimately, trying to remember that this stage goes so quickly and that one day I will look back at these memories and wonder where the time went. Right now while being in the midst of it, I'm thankful to keep my head above water.

Kurt and I had our first overnight trip away from our kids this past week, thanks to some wonderful friends of ours that stayed at our house. We went to a local bed and breakfast and had a wonderful getaway. As we came back, I'm thankful for so much that I realized in such a short period of time. The couple that watched our kids have older kids that range from middle school age to college, so they thanked us graciously for allowing them to watch our kids, because it helped them gain a perspective on where they are at and how they have forgotten what this stage was like and the memories they have of their children at this age. It helped me realize, as much as I desire for my children to grow up and be more independent.....I really need to enjoy this stage in the moment that I'm in. There truly is never a dull moment and when there is that means.......there's either a baby under the sink or little boys in my laundry room!

Abby and Silas's Statistics

So we had Abby and Silas's dr's appointments together. Here is the information we got.

Abby was16 lb and 15 oz which is the first percentile. Yeah...she made it back on the scale after going off of it! Her height is 28 inches which is the 10%. Otherwise she is looking good. She's still not walking by herself, so she's definitely our latest walker, but she can sure get around. She has figured out how to get up and down stairs by scooting, so nothing is safe anymore! She took about 7 steps on her own the other day and I think it surprised her. So, just waiting for her to get the confidence she needs!

Silas had his 4 year appointment and this is what he measured in at. He was 33.6 lbs which is 60%, however, this was fully clothed, so I can guarantee he is a lot less than this! His height is 38 and 3/4 inches which is the 17%. So he's still on the smaller side.

Both kids got shots and I asked Silas if he would go first. He bravely did and I had to hold him down while the nurse gave him the shots. He ended up getting 4 all together and I could tell he wanted so badly to cry, but he didn't. By the last one, his face was bright red and his eyes were huge, but he did it. Then, he walked over to Abby and told her she could do it. It was so cute! So, needless to say, I rewarded them to a lunch/playdate since we did so good!

Silas's Birthday

Yes, this is a month late, but here it goes.

We had a wonderful time celebrating Silas's 4th Birthday. He was counting down every day from Abby's birthday to his, so the anticipation was killing him! We started the morning off with cinnamon rolls and then he got to go with Daddy to pick out his balloons. This is a tradition we've started and the kids really enjoy it, so it's fun to see what balloons they pick out. After that, we went bowling as a family. The boys really enjoy bowling, so it's always a fun time. Daddy then went to work while Abby and Nathan took naps and Silas and Mommy played with all of his new toys and games. It was a nice relaxing afternoon for us. That evening we went to a restaurant that has games and rides and brought his best friend Elijah and their family. Let's just say it was a long but fun day and thankful birthdays only happen once a year! Here are some pictures from the day.

Opening gifts is always fun and it was so neat to see Silas letting Nathan help him!

Silas requested an ice cream cake, so I made him a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake and the boys decorated it with daddy. It's not as pretty as a Dairy queen ice cream cake, but it turned out great and MUCH CHEAPER! Yeah!

Here are the boys on the rides. Nathan has the biggest smile ever. So cute!