Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nathan Update

Nathan is now 4 months old believe it or not. We had his doctor's appointment today and it was very interesting. First of all, I must admit Nathan is a very easy baby. He's a pretty happy baby except usually at like 8:00 pm when he gets fussy, but other than that, he's so easy going. Well, at his dr's appt today she looked in his ears as he's just grinning at the doctor and we're commenting about how happy he is and she looks at me and says, " He has an ear infection"! What! Sure enough, both ears have infections. He has had a cold, but he is pretty much over it and hasn't been any different, so I was just shocked. So, my audiologist in me came home and got my otoscope out and took a look for myself. Sure enough, he has an ear infection. Nathan is also following in Kurt's footsteps with very sensitive skin and so along with medicine for his ears, she put him on some hydrocortisone cream for his skin. Poor guy!

Here are some statistics from the doctor's visit. He now weighs 17 lb 1 oz which is the 88th percentile. His height is 26.25 inches which is 90th percentile. He has gained about 3 lbs in 2 months, so if he continues he'll be 20 lbs by 6 months. Silas barely weighed 20 lbs at his one year appt! Unbelievable!

Anyways, Nathan finally rolled over on Monday. I think it shocked him and he had so much momentum going he almost went right over. It was really quite cute. He hasn't rolled over since, but at least I know it is possible!

Other than that, Nathan is definitely a joy to us. He is so happy and alert and entertaining. I can't wait to see what his personality is like, because he just seems so laid back right now. He seems so different from Silas as a baby, so it's fun to think about how different they will be and unique in their own ways. I'll end with what Silas says to me when I carry both Silas and Nathan (yes I am still able to do that w/o breaking my back)....he says, "Momma's two boys" how cute.

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