Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Like Father like Sons......

Here are a few other pictures from this morning. I got a kick out of these.

How does Nathan already know how to drive a car and talk on his cell phone? Can we say Daddy???????

While I was changing my laundry which is also in the basement, I turned my back for 30 seconds only to find Silas doing this...........My first reaction was to freak out, but I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures and then freaked out at him. I guess right now they don't know what my treadmill is actually suppose to be used for! Ha, ha. But again, I wonder where he got this idea from???? Daddy????

No worries....Haven was there to spot him!

The wonders of beach balls

Since the weather has been so warm out, we've been able to play outside almost everyday and even go to the park. However today was a different story and it was dreary and cold (thank goodness that isn't common here!). So we were all pretty grumpy to say the least. We were playing in our basement area and the boys were fighting over toys and all I was doing was being a referee. Then I remembered some beach balls that we had gotten on clearance at the end of the summer for .25 each. What a steal. So I blew up two of them (we still have two left.....) and what a change in attitudes. We were kicking them, throwing them, playing soccer and making goals in my laundry basket. Next thing I knew it was lunchtime and we had been doing this for almost 2 hours straight. Ahhhh....thank goodness for the little things in life. Here are a few pictures of our morning.

Nathan just being cute. He loves balls!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan being "all boy" and playing with the trucks now.

Unfortunately I missed when they both had their heads sticking out the holes at the same time smiling. I couldn't get them to do it again, so this was as good as it got.

Nathan with his beach ball.

Here they were kicking and throwing the beach balls at my laundry basket. Oh what fun!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Yeah, Hawkeyes!

Well, we're very sad around our house as college football is, hoo! We had a wonderful year as Hawkeye fans and never missed a game (thank goodness for DVRs!). Silas started to really get into the games this year as he would run around our living room pretending like he was playing. Both boys have learned the I-O-WA cheer, so it was fun to watch them do that.

Anyways, here was Daddy and the boys the night of the Iowa bowl game. Daddy got a new Kinnick t shirt for Christmas along with a Kinnick hat that Nathan is wearing in the picture. Thank you, Carla for all of your hard work in getting the hat.....he loves it!

So, hopefully Iowa will have another good football year next year!

Nathan hiding under Daddy's Kinnick hat!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nathan's 15 month update

Ok, so a little late, but thought I'd update everyone on what Nathan is up to.

He had his 15 month appt at the end of December and he's looking good. He has not gained as much weight as he normally does, so he's now 22 lbs and 13 oz which is 26 percentile. The doctor suggested we go back to whole milk because we had him on 2% with Silas out of convenience. I'm not real concerned about him losing some weight, because I think part of the reason is him chasing after his brother. Since he took to walking at about 13 months, he has been nonstop since! Anyways, he's still a good height at 31 inches which is 64 percentile. He's looking good and has been very healthy. He did have another ear infection, so his 2nd, but it wasn't bad at all. He wasn't even really fussy or sick during that time and he was also getting his back molars so there was a lot going on. Overall, he's still such an easy infant/toddler and I really can't complain....he's spoiled us I think.

He is now starting to communicate which is really cute. I think similar to Silas his first word was Dadda. He also says, doggy, bus, puh (please), ta ta (thank you), bubba (brother) and I think that is about it. A few times he has said mama, but I'm not convinced of it yet since he doesn't say it consistently.

He's a very active little boy and has really gotten into cars, anything moving, trains, music, food, his toothbrush and still loves his sleep (thank goodness for that!). He squeals in delight when Daddy comes home from work and is starting on the daddy phase already. Perfect timing though! Silas and Nathan are starting to play really well together and it is so fun to watch. Silas now asks Nathan if he'll play with him. It is usually cars or chasing one another and although I don't think Nathan fully understands, he does it! Ahhhh.....this truly helps mommy when I need a break, so thankful for that. He is such a blessing and we love our two boys and can't wait to see what holds with the next one!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas and more

This is called catching up time. My computer had to visit the virus doctor for almost two weeks. It was hard not having a computer, but actually probably good, because I realized how much I don't need it and the time that I was wasting on it. So although I'm thankful to get it back, I feel much better about setting boundaries around it. So while the boys nap....I'm going to try and get some pictures posted and recap some missed time.

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas season. I can't say enough about it. It was so nice to not be traveling and be one of the thousands stranded in airports this holiday season. We enjoyed waking up in our own beds (although earlier than we would have liked!) and just enjoying time as a family. This year Silas started to understand more so it was so cute to see him excited and opening presents. We really tried to keep Jesus at the center of our celebration and so everyday for like two weeks you could hear Silas singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Now, he continues to ask when do we get to celebrate Jesus's birthday again? How fun!

Other than that, Kurt had two weeks off so we had such a nice time interacting as a family. It really hit us hard Monday when Daddy went back to work, but we're getting back into some sort of routine! So here are a few pictures I'll try to post and maybe catch up more as time goes on.

Some of the best times leading up to Christmas was all of the boxes that we got. The boys loved playing in them!

Christmas eve before our church service, we got some neat pictures in front of the tree.

Christmas morning. Silas exploring all of the gifts.

Our new race track....ahhh...boys and their toys.

Nathan loves his new ride on toy!

Decorating Jesus's birthday cake.