Silas and Nathan swinging together. Nathan was pretty intrigued by the shadows.

Just hanging out.
Enjoying some sunshine and relaxing.
Anyways, I'm actually praying for some snow! We bought a sled and haven't had enough snow to even use it. It is so dry here that there have already been some fires, so if we don't get some rain/snow the summer is going to be dreadful!
On a side note, Kurt leaves tomorrow for another work related trip, so do pray for me and the boys as he is away. It's always hardest on Silas and it takes at least a full day to accept that daddy's gone. Silas has had a bit of a rough week with his molars still coming in. We also have went "cold turkey" with his NUK starting Sunday and he's doing really well. Naps and bedtime are hard, but we know in the end it will pay off. We are having a birthday party for him on Sunday afternoon after church, so we figure that will not only be a birthday party, but a party for "no more NUKS". We have been talking to him about his birthday and how old he is going to be, etc. I didn't think he got it until today. On Sesame Street, they were talking about birthdays and cakes and parties and I mentioned again, that his birthday is this weekend. Well, at naptime, when he was "suppose" to be sleeping, I hear through the monitor "happy birthday to me" in a very unique song, so I think he's starting to get it. When he woke up from his nap, he said "Silas cake...candle". So we'll see how the party goes. It was suppose to be a small one, but it looks like we're looking at about 20 people. What have I done? I think it will be worth it in the end.
Ok, off to bed for tonight!
1 comment:
Hey Sheila! We must be on the same wave...we just "removed" Lydia's paci from the house this weekend too! she only had it for naps/bedtime, but decided that it was time before she turns 2 this week! So far so good...of course it's taking her longer to fall asleep, and usually a bit of extra snuggling and storytime, but that's not a bad price to pay...and I love the extra time with her. Hope your party goes well...Silas sounds like a ton of fun! :)
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