Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time Away

Our time away was eventful, but wonderful. I had a beautiful Mother's Day! The most important thing for me was that we got to spend quality time together and we did just that. The weather cooperated in Breckenridge and so we got to explore the town and play outdoors for awhile. It was so nice to just get out and walk around and see the kid's play and have fun. It was such a blessing.

Well, the rest of our vacation was the eventful part. Kurt woke up Monday feeling really terrible and it got worse from there. I woke up Tuesday morning feeling terrible also, and so we decided to pack up early and head home to get to the dr. Unfortunately this was Kurt's birthday. Oh well, we all got to the dr. and found out we had come down with strept throat. So, the downfall is a vacation cut short. On the flipside, we all got to heal together at home and I got to get all of my laundry and unpacking done before Kurt went back to work. So, you know how you sometimes say you need a vacation from a vacation, well, I actually feel like I got it. When Kurt went back to work on Thurs, we all felt prepared and ready and so that was nice.

We did end the rest of the week/weekend on a good note. We celebrated Kurt's (belated) bday on Friday with a cake and Kurt and I got a nice date night on Sat night and today we went to an afternoon minor league baseball game as a family. Not a bad weekend at all! Very thankful for a lot of family time together.

I plan on posting pictures as soon as I can...there are some good ones so worth the wait.

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