Sunday, May 2, 2010

Catching up....

Wow, already May....not sure where time goes. Kurt and I are definitely realizing we are in a difficult stage in life with him being so busy with work and school and me being home w/ 3 very young and active children. I keep hearing the saying, "The days seem so long, but the years go so quickly!" and I'm trying to remember that. There is so much truth to that, because sometimes I look at my clock in the morning and it is only 9:00 am and I think what are we going to do with the rest of this day and the day just keeps going and going. But then I look back and I still vividly remember just bringing Silas home from the hospital and now he's a busy 3 year old. So, I'm trying to take one day at a time and enjoy it....even the challenges.

Abby had her 2 month appt awhile back and so I'll update on her first. She now weighs 10 lb 9 oz (I think more by now) which is the 44%. She is 22 inches which is the 37%. She's still doing great. She's still going 8 hours in the night, so if I can time her last feeding right, we have great nights. Sometimes she can't stay up for that last feeding, so that means an early AM feeding, but I'm not complaining at all! She's starting to stay awake longer during the days, so it has made me be more flexible with the scheduling of the boys, but it's all working out.

The boys are doing good. Still very active and if I can't find them....they've escaped outdoors. Thankfully we have a gated back yard, otherwise I'd be in trouble! The spring has brought some interesting weather....some snow, some sun, and lots of wind. But we still manage to get outside whenever we can.....for the sanity of all of us!

Who can resist those cheeks?

Easter egg pictures..ok a little late.

The boys playing outside. Bubbles are still very popular, can't live w/o them!

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