Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nathan's 9 Months!

I still have more to post on our trip, but before I forget, I'd like to post about Nathan's 9 month appt. Yes, hard to believe, he's going to be one before I know it! At his 9 month appt, he weighed 19 lb and 14 oz which is the 40%. He really has slimmed out. But, he's still growing like a weed, because his height is 29.5 inches which is the 87%. So he's getting much longer. When I looked back at Silas's info, he was 16 lb and 14.5 oz and his height was 27.5 inches which were both less than the 25%. So no wonder Nathan seems huge!

Nathan is now crawling. He started mastering crawling when we were on our trip and he's gotten really quick now. He does an army crawl (similar to Silas) but he has flirted w/ the idea of getting up on his hands and knees. He loves to take a bath or be in water. Silas and Nathan now take baths together and it is a riot seeing them since they both love the water. Nathan is chatting up a storm now and our car rides are no longer quiet! Silas now has competition, so it's not unusual for the level of sound in our vehicle to escalate! Nathan is still a very happy baby. On a daily basis, he gets stepped on, rolled over, pushed, toys taken away from, and the list goes on, yet he is pretty tolerating of most things. Nathan giggles pretty easily and the one person that can get him to giggle the quickest is Silas (believe it or not). For the one that is the meanest to him, he admires the most. So, although these are some challenging years with sharing, I think they will be rewarding in the end.

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