Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Fun

It's been awhile since I've posted, because we've been enjoying our summer! I haven't taken too many pictures, but I will upload the ones I have. Anyways, the weather has been so beautiful that our days are spent taking walks, going to the park, swimming, many playdates and more. Kurt has been off work from late last week through this week, so we are really just enjoying our family.

If you think of us this week, please pray for us, we are leaving tomorrow to go camping in the mountains! Pray for good weather, a wonderful time with family, and good sleep, if possible in a tent with 2 young kids and a dog! Oh well, always an adventure and we hope to instill in our children a love for camping like we have, so I'm sure we will have a nice time.

Our little swimming pool in our backyard.

Silas playing on his trike.

We had just gotten back from a walk, so Nathan is still hanging out in the stroller and Silas climbed on his trike. As you can see, most of our days are spent outside!

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