Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Potty Training?

You say....."what, he just turned 2." I say, "I know, I have no idea how this is happening and it is the worst week to be doing it with Kurt gone." Here goes the story!

Silas has been really intrigued by "potty" lately, so much that if you go w/o him he freaks out. He wants to be right there with you, talking about it and he has to be the one flushing the toilet. So he asked to sit on the potty the other day, I thought, why not? I don't want to say no because I want him to enjoy sitting on the potty. So, it became a novel thing and he just wanted to sit there. Well I got a book and started to read to him on one of our episodes and the next thing I knew, I heard him go pee. I looked up and he got this big grin on his face and he said "went pee pee". I was like wow, ok. So I congratulated him and he gets a little M & M for doing it. Hooray! And that is how it started. I don't ask him if he has to go potty, he tells me. I still have him in diapers, because honestly, I'm not really prepared for this! But each time, he goes on the potty his diaper is dry. Wierd! I even had a lady from church come and watch the boys so I could go running this morning and he asked her to go potty and she took him and he did just fine. Mind you, she's never watched him before, so I thought that was pretty bold! He could have just gone in his diaper, but he had her take him.

So, I'm not holding my breath....I think he'll probably regress and start to think this isn't as cool as what it started to be, but I've decided I'm not going to press the issue. I take him when he asks and we'll go from there. I must admit, it is rather nice not changing two children's diapers! Ok, now I better go read up on potty training!

1 comment:

Soppe's said...

That's AWESOME!!!! Oh, I just dream it will be this easy for our household! :) Way to go, Silas!!