Thursday, March 5, 2009

Silas Update

We had Silas's 2 year appt yesterday and I thought I'd give a quick update. He has moved up in the rankings, so he's no longer in the 5th percentile, but he's still a peanut. His weight is 24.6 lbs which is the 12th percentile. His height is 33.5 inches and it is the 27th percentile. If it is true that you double their height at age 2, then Silas will come up at about average for a male. So not too bad considering he's so small right now.

Silas is quite the talker, although he only really talks around us. I had one friend ask me if he ever talks and she was quite concerned about him after she had him over for a playdate with her son. The following week she came over to our house for a playdate and she commented that Silas knew more words than her son knows, he just doesn't talk much around other people. Since we went to the zoo, he's still really interested in the animals, so you'll hear him talk about giraffes and crackers all the time. His best friend is Elijah, so you'll also hear him talk a lot about him. He says, "Elijah come play." Today, we went to daddy's work to go out to eat and after we got done he said " do it again sometime". It was like it was his decision that we do this again. It was so cute. Since he is really into cars right now, every thing is a "racecar". He'll push things around our house and say "racecar". When we are driving he makes sure we know about every bus, garbage truck, big truck, etc that we pass. Kurt commented today that he never realized how many buses there are in Colorado Springs until we had Silas!

I could go on. I must admit this is a cute age in some regards, because he is imitating words and trying to really get our attention with talking. On the other hand, it is a very difficult age! We have had to discipline a lot lately and that doesn't always go over that well. When he gets into trouble, he covers his eyes with both hands as if to hide. Hmmm....doesn't work! He also can be seen throwing himself on the floor and rolling around. So, some days are definitely better than others, but we're learning as we go and that is all you can do. Anyways, this is our precious Silas that God has blessed us with and we are so thankful for him!

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