Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time for an update

I'm not sure how March slipped away from us so quickly, but it did! That means Nathan is now 6 months old. Oh my, that just shocks me! He now has 2 teeth and is eating solids. He is "almost" sitting up, minus the occasional spills (the ones not caused by Silas!). We go to the doctor next week, so I'll update his weight and height then, but he sure is a "growing" boy!

Other highlights have been our first big snowfall. Yes, pretty much our first one this year (unless you consider the 2 inches every now and then we have gotten). We unfortunately were not able to play in it, because Silas was sick and it was gone within a day. Yup, got up to 50 degrees two days after we got it, so although you find some on the ground here and there, nothing you can sled in!

As I just mentioned, we have had another round of sickness, and I'm hoping this will be the last of it this season. Silas had a fever for 3 consecutive days and a little stomach thing also. He was miserable. Then, Nathan got a cold and he has proceeded to give it to Silas and me, so we're hoping Daddy escapes this. With that being said, Daddy leaves us again for a week, so I hope we are all healthy during that time and can get out and do something to make the time pass quickly.

I'll post a few pictures from our egg dying experience last weekend. We only had one minor disaster where a cup of dye fell over on Silas (hmmm...wonder how that happened). But it got cleaned up quickly and nothing to worry. We had a fun time.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We have been enjoying our 70 degree weather this week by playing outside and going to various parks in the neighborhoods. Since it is lighter longer in the evenings, we've been able to go on walks as a family again. Kurt and I have decided this is really our only way of getting undivided talking time right now in our life. I don't mind, it keeps us active and the kids are occupied and we get to talk!

Other than that, I feel like the boys are growing up before my eyes all too quickly. Silas is just a riot when he starts talking and gets his hands into it and everything. He's really into saying "huh?" Very cute...at times. He also does a lot of self talk, which is kind of funny. When I drop him off at the nursery for church or MOPS, he will say. "Mommy come get me. Mommy come get Silas. Silas play, momma come get me." He says this while walking to the door to go inside. He use to cry, but I would talk him through what was going to happen, and so this is how he copes with it. The nursery coordinator just loves this. He has the best self talk. He also does this before nap and bedtime. He says, "mommy (or daddy) come get me when I wake up." How cute. I'll have to write more of his sayings down and post them too.

Nathan is quickly approaching 6 months. He's constantly rolling over and starting to eat foods. I started him on cereal last week and will start some foods soon. He is now being incorporated into Daddy's bedtime routine with Silas, so that is fun. Silas really likes his daddy time at bedtime where Kurt reads and sings to him and then puts him to bed. So, after I feed Nathan for the evening, he gets to hang out with daddy and Silas. I wasn't so sure how this would go at first, because Silas likes his time with daddy, but he took to Nathan being with them right away and you often catch Silas giving Nathan kisses during reading time.

Here are some pictures I took recently.


BEDTIME (favorite books include You can do it, Sam, Snuggle Puppy, If you give a moose a muffin)

Happy Nathan!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Silas's birthday party

Well, this is over a week late, but better late than never.........

We had a small birthday party for Silas on his birthday. There were 5 adults and 3 other kids not counting us, so it turned out to be a nice party. We got balloons during Silas's nap before the party, so when he woke up he was so surprised and loved them. They were the hit of the party! Before the party, he carried them all around the house. It was so cute. The other excitement was the cake, of course! He had so much fun blowing the candles out (daddy helped!).

Here are some pictures of the special day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The pictures say it all.....

We had some time with Nathan last weekend while Silas napped. He is such a sweet baby and I hope some of these pictures capture just how fun he is.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Silas Update

We had Silas's 2 year appt yesterday and I thought I'd give a quick update. He has moved up in the rankings, so he's no longer in the 5th percentile, but he's still a peanut. His weight is 24.6 lbs which is the 12th percentile. His height is 33.5 inches and it is the 27th percentile. If it is true that you double their height at age 2, then Silas will come up at about average for a male. So not too bad considering he's so small right now.

Silas is quite the talker, although he only really talks around us. I had one friend ask me if he ever talks and she was quite concerned about him after she had him over for a playdate with her son. The following week she came over to our house for a playdate and she commented that Silas knew more words than her son knows, he just doesn't talk much around other people. Since we went to the zoo, he's still really interested in the animals, so you'll hear him talk about giraffes and crackers all the time. His best friend is Elijah, so you'll also hear him talk a lot about him. He says, "Elijah come play." Today, we went to daddy's work to go out to eat and after we got done he said " do it again sometime". It was like it was his decision that we do this again. It was so cute. Since he is really into cars right now, every thing is a "racecar". He'll push things around our house and say "racecar". When we are driving he makes sure we know about every bus, garbage truck, big truck, etc that we pass. Kurt commented today that he never realized how many buses there are in Colorado Springs until we had Silas!

I could go on. I must admit this is a cute age in some regards, because he is imitating words and trying to really get our attention with talking. On the other hand, it is a very difficult age! We have had to discipline a lot lately and that doesn't always go over that well. When he gets into trouble, he covers his eyes with both hands as if to hide. Hmmm....doesn't work! He also can be seen throwing himself on the floor and rolling around. So, some days are definitely better than others, but we're learning as we go and that is all you can do. Anyways, this is our precious Silas that God has blessed us with and we are so thankful for him!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

He's 2!

Silas is now 2 years old! We had a wonderful but exhausting day on Sunday celebrating. We started off with Silas opening some gifts from Grandma Aichele. Then off to church we went. After church, a much needed nap time so that daddy and mommy could get the house ready for his birthday party. Kurt ran to Safeway for last minute groceries while I got all of the snack foods ready. When Kurt came home, it was cleaning for Sheila and making pizzas for Kurt. We finished about the time Silas woke up from his nap (nathan woke up way too early!) and not too long before guests came. We had a total of 5 adults and 3 kids (not counting our family), so it was a nice crowd with good fellowship and fun and lots of food! Silas had a lot of fun, especially blowing out his birthday candles. He thought that was pretty neat. He liked the cake so much he kept asking for more....... Well, it was tough to get him to bed on Sunday night probably because of the excitement and sugar overload! Kurt and I were so exhausted that at 9:15 when he was still not asleep and crying in his room, we ended up throwing him in our bed so we could go to sleep and it wasn't long before he crashed and we took him to his room.

In addition to his birthday, Kurt took off Monday since he was traveling last week. It was a beautiful 70 degrees here, so off to the zoo we went. This is a favorite of our families, so much that we ended up buying a membership. So we'll probably be posting a lot of zoo pictures again this year. Anyways, it was a nice day to walk around and see the animals and spend time together. Here are some pictures that I have. Kurt will have to post off of his camera of the birthday party.

Opening gifts.

Before church wearing his cars badge that says he's a birthday boy.

At the zoo.
Nathan enjoying the zoo. Just as happy as can be.

Silas can get Nathan to giggle very easily. So at lunchtime he was our entertainer.

Silas eating goldfish and playing with his "shades."

The famous feeding the giraffes that Silas will again be talking about for weeks.