It has been neat for me to see the change in Silas since we have had Nathan. At first, he was very protective of him, but scared of him in way. He didn't want anyone to hold him, but when Nathan would cry, it would scare Silas and oftentimes make Silas cry also. Then, as time progressed, I think he realized Nathan wasn't going anywhere and there was some jealousy. He would sometimes tell me "Nathan down" when I was holding Nathan and Silas would want me to do something. Well, now that Nathan is up more during the day and can sit in his "seat" or be held more upright, Silas is paying more attention to him. I sometimes find him bringing Nathan a toy or trying to get him to smile or laugh. However, there have been times that he has intentionally pushed Nathan or taken a toy away from him, so hence....brotherly love. I think maybe Silas realizes that this might be the only time he is bigger than Nathan at the rate Nathan is growing!
Here are few pictures of the boys....

The boys hanging out on the new chair. Silas likes to hold Nathan's hand, so if you can see it, he's holding it.

Here's the "big guy" himself. Yes, we are approaching 3 chins, but doesn't he look so happy! Once you get him giggling, there is no stopping that guy. It is so funny!

Silas holding Nathan's hand again. He loves that Nathan grips his fingers.
There is the brotherly love that I caught on camera.

Daddy and Silas playing our new game, Hungry, hungry Hippos. Silas sometimes wakes up saying "play hippos" at 6:00 am.......
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