We have two healthy and wonderful boys that amaze me everyday. Silas is growing and changing by the moment. He repeats all kinds of stuff and is responding very well to being disciplined, which isn't always easy. Nathan, well he is definitely growing. He is constantly smiling and still very cuddly. He's starting to hold his head up and sleeping a good 6 hours at night!
I have a wonderful husband who has now become a morning person (ok, maybe not by choice!). A husband that desires to serve me not just in the big things like helping with Silas and Nathan (which he does whenever he's home), but in the little things, like making me chai this morning when I didn't ask, but definitely needed it. I could go on and on with blessings of Kurt to me.
We have a very nice home that fits our needs in a neighborhood perfect for children. A wondeful view out our window which constantly reminds us of God's beauty. We couldn't ask for anything better.
Kurt has two job offers (we should know more this week) which is such a blessing in this economy. They both appear to be able to meet our needs in abundance and in perfect timing. This shouldn't surprise us, because that is God's grace.
I have the ability to stay at home and raise my children, which I absolutely love. Yes, it is the most challenging job I've ever had, yet most rewarding. There are days when I tell Kurt I'd like to quit my day job (ha, ha!), but I know in the end it is all worth it.
A wonderful church that continues to amaze us with their willingness to serve one another. We have been the recipient of this and I feel so blessed! We have a "diaper fairy" (thank you Lynn) that drops diapers and wipes off at our front porch every other week. What a blessing that is. We have amazing friends like the Swasey's that allow us to use their vehicle and watch Silas for us when we are in a bind. We've had so many people bring us meals when both Nathan and Silas were born that blessed us beyond what we can imagine. And the Dontanville's who continue to encourage us and who are allowing us to crash their Thanksgiving and be a part of it with many other church families.
We have amazing families that constantly are calling and checking in on us. We had wonderful visits with both Kurt's mom and my family. We were blessed with meals and with them helping me with the kids while Kurt worked.
We feel very blessed by Miss Sandy who has provided care for Silas and continues to be willing to watch him when we need her. It is nice to know he is taken care of when we need someone to watch him and soon to be Nathan.
I could go on, but Nathan is ready to be fed and Silas is wanting to read, so off I go. I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving and also takes some time to reflect on this past year and the many blessings you have this year!
Here are some pictures of some of my blessings!

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