Monday, September 8, 2008

Our mini golf experience

Kurt and I love to go mini golfing for fun, so the other day we decided to try it. Mini golf sure takes on a new meaning with a toddler! Silas loved to chase around the balls and move them wherever he wanted to. Thankfully the course wasn't busy at all, so we took our time and just enjoyed playing wherever the ball "landed". The best part, was that Silas was more than happy to always get our balls out of the holes, which meant less bending over for mommy! Yeah.

Well, that worked great until the 18th hole when the ball goes "bye-bye" and doesn't come back. So I've attached a few pictures of Silas trying to figure out where the balls went when he tried to retrieve them. It was really funny! We sat there for probably 5 minutes while he kept trying to find the balls.

1 comment:

Soppe's said...

Silas, you crack me up!