Anyway, at 1:10 am God blessed us with another baby boy, Nathanael Kinnick Aichele. Sheila definitely knows how to grow em... he was 8 lbs. 8.5 oz. and 20.5 inches long.

For those who may not know... Nathanael mean "gift of God"... and Nathan means "God has given". Did you catch how big he is? Sheila made every effort to deliver naturally, however, with a guy that big, there was NO WAY that it was going to happen, so she did have a C-Section. As a whole, he is a HEALTHY boy.
Sheila is recovering well, and as I type, Nathan is in his mama's arms. We've got to get him back to the nursery in a hour and a half for additional testing.
Congrats to all 4 of you!!!! We are so happy to hear everything went well and that everyone is doing good as well. We can't wait to meet him!!!!!
Aunt Janelle, Uncle Trav, and Cousin Brock
Congratulations on the new addition! We are thrilled that everything went well and he's here safe, sound, and healthy. May you be blessed with sleep these first few weeks!
Sam and Jessica
Congratulations on little Nathanael. He is beautiful. Blessings on you guys!!
The Whitfield's
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