Anyways, we left for Chicago from there and had a nice barbeque with Kurt's family. It was nice to see the cousins play together and get to catch up with the adults. Sunday, we went back to our church which is always a joy to see our "church family" in Chicago. We were also able to see some friends after church who have a little girl Silas's age. It was nice to compare notes on parenting toddlers and catch up on life! Sunday night we went out to eat w/ Kurt's family and spent some time at Grandma Aichele's place.
Monday we woke up and left for Iowa. We first went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Conklin's house for a home cooked Iowa meal (yummy!). Silas had fun playing ball there and we got to catch up on how things are going there. We left for the Grandpa and Amma Shippy's farm and had another wonderful home cooked meal and got to meet another nephew Brock, who I think is going to outgrow Silas very soon! We got some neat pictures that Kurt will have to post since they are on his camera.
Tuesday was a day on the farm. Grandpa took us around to see some cows and goats and let Silas play on his tractors. Daddy and Silas also played on the 4 wheeler. I wasn't sure what Silas would think of the 4 wheeler, but he immediately took to it and it was so hard to get him away from it. Many tears shed as we had to say goodbye to the 4 wheeler for this trip.
So, although it was a short trip, we had such a nice time seeing friends and family. We had a bit of a rough trip back being delayed in Cedar Rapids and not getting home until after midnight. Then, we had to get up to go to work on Wed, so we were all exhausted. I have gotten a cold now and Kurt has admitted this morning he's not feeling the greatest either, so do pray that we will kick whatever we have gotten and we will get back into the swing of things quickly! Here are some pictures to enjoy.

1 comment:
It was so good to get to see you guys!! I can't wait to see the newest one! You'll have to send us one of the pics of Brock and Silas in their matching bibs when you get a chance:) Hope all has returned to normal from the trip and everyone is doing well.
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