Well we have a lot to catch up on. We are settling in nicely and really enjoying where we live. The weather is absolutely beautiful, cool in the morning and evenings but warm during the day. I love that we don't have humidity. It is funny talking to some people out here, because they will say "boy today is humid" and Kurt and I are like, um.....you don't know what humidity is.
Anyways, I've gotten to know a group of ladies that meet every Monday for a playdate. There are some kids around Silas's age, so that has been fun. Plus it is neat to interact with other women where we live. It has been a blessing and we both look forward to Mondays.
I will attach a few pictures to enjoy. Here are some explanations. Kurt always makes us blueberry pancakes on the weekends. However, Silas always wants to be a part of the action, so to solve that, Kurt now puts him in the backpack and cooks. I am able to get things done and Silas likes it and Kurt makes us breakfast. It is wonderful! Silas is also big into hats right now. If he sees a hat, he will continue to point at it until it is on his head. I even put him down for a nap today with it on, because he will get upset if you take it off. It is really cute though. The other pictures are of us enjoying our backyard. We got some sidewalk chalk and he really enjoyed playing with that along w/ just holding onto it. You'll see if he even decided to color Haven who thankfully doesn't really care! So I hope you enjoy and I'll try to be better with the blog this summer.

1 comment:
Silas, you are such a cutie!! Brock has a hat identical to yours, but he is NOT a big fan of it right now. And I think Haven would look wonderful in a nice shade of sky blue:)
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