I am currently going through a devotional by Sam Storms called the Hope of Glory. It is 100 Daily Meditations on Colossians. I am benefiting greatly from it and I've only begun. Colossians has always been a book I tend to go back to when I'm at a loss during my quiet times, so now it is neat to actually study it. The thing I really like about this devotional, is that he goes verse by verse, for example, I'm on day 5 now, and we just got to Col. 1:3-4. He truly breaks down words and phrases that I tend to easily pass over because they don't seem pertinent to me. Wow was I wrong and so I've been very blessed by this time already.
Anyways, something that struck me, I'm going to share to the best of my ability. Vs. 1 says "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" This is an example where, I just kind of pass this up, because you're talking about Paul here, and there is no way I can relate by any means to Paul! However, as Mr. Storms so clearly elaborates on this, "God's will extends to your life and calling and career no less so than to Paul's. Yours may not entail the spiritual authority that his did, but it is no less an expression of God's enablement and calling than Paul's or Peter's or John's or anyone's to whom we attribute greatness." He goes on and elaborates even more, but he ends like this, "Lay your hand on your heart and your mind and the fruit of your labors, and above all your salvation in Jesus Christ, and rejoice that it is all "by the will of God."
Wow, that really hit me, why? Because today, by the will of God, I'm home taking care of Silas and our home. What does this mean, yes changing multiple diapers, trying to multi-task with laundry, cooking and holding a child at the same time. Being patient when Silas cries when I just left the room to go the restroom for 1 second, thanking God I have the opportunity to at least work part time so I can try to manage our home and raise our child, and blessing Kurt with meals and laundry and hopefully a house picked up, so that he can come home and just spend time with us. This is God's will for me. Yes, that does mean his will for me right now is to also be ready to go to work Tues-Thurs, but it is only by his grace I'm able to do that also.
So, there has been a lot to journal on already and maybe when I'm out of blogging stuff I might continue to share what this devotional is teaching me, but in the meantime, I encourage you to think of your daily routine and where God has you right now "by the will of God."