Yes, this is a month late, but here it goes.
We had a wonderful time celebrating Silas's 4th Birthday. He was counting down every day from Abby's birthday to his, so the anticipation was killing him! We started the morning off with cinnamon rolls and then he got to go with Daddy to pick out his balloons. This is a tradition we've started and the kids really enjoy it, so it's fun to see what balloons they pick out. After that, we went bowling as a family. The boys really enjoy bowling, so it's always a fun time. Daddy then went to work while Abby and Nathan took naps and Silas and Mommy played with all of his new toys and games. It was a nice relaxing afternoon for us. That evening we went to a restaurant that has games and rides and brought his best friend Elijah and their family. Let's just say it was a long but fun day and thankful birthdays only happen once a year! Here are some pictures from the day.

Opening gifts is always fun and it was so neat to see Silas letting Nathan help him!

Silas requested an ice cream cake, so I made him a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake and the boys decorated it with daddy. It's not as pretty as a Dairy queen ice cream cake, but it turned out great and MUCH CHEAPER! Yeah!

Here are the boys on the rides. Nathan has the biggest smile ever. So cute!
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