In case you were wondering.....we survived our camping trip and actually had a lot of fun. Wednesday, we left for Mueller State Park which is about an hour away from our house in the mountains. We got our tent up and ate in just enough time for a thunderstorm to roll through, so it was perfect timing and very neat! Our friend Damon came with us, so it was nice to have some company and fellowship along with someone else to occupy the boys...he, he! On Thursday, we relaxed and went hiking a little bit. Friday, we packed up camp so that we could move to another campground, so we could go camping with our church.
Our church goes camping one weekend every summer, so we basically close up the church and head out. Most of the church goes, so it is so nice to see everyone outside of Sunday morning fellowship. The kids have a blast playing together and the adults enjoy the conversation, games and food! On Sunday, we have church at the campground and then we all pack up and leave.
All in all it was a great weekend. The downfall is that each night it got down to 45 degrees, so it was a bit chilly. Nathan ended up in our bed every night after his poor hands got so cold. However during the days, it gets up to 75, so it is quite a temperature jump! Anyways, we have lots of good memories, some rest and some good family time. Here are some pictures that captured it.

The boys "helping" Daddy set up our tent.

Silas using the tent as an outfield for his tee ball! It actually worked great....nobody had to go fetch the balls!

Damon and Nathan enjoying themselves!

Yes, there was even a park in the campground! Yeah! Notice the mountains in the background, the view at this campground is amazing!

Our family hiking.

Daddy and the boys hiking.

Notice Nathan pulling on Kurt's hat in this picture. That is what he did the whole time we were was rather funny and he was just giggling away. Such a great personality.