We're home safely and thankful to be back in our beds and hopefully in a routine again soon. We had a wonderful trip to the Midwest and are so thankful for everyone we got to see along the way. I'll recap our trip in pieces because there is a lot I want to include and soooooo many pictures to upload.
We began in Minnesota. Kurt had some work to do there and so I had the boys by myself in a motel for a day. I was a little bit nervous and wondering what are we going to do feeling so cooped up. I knew I couldn't take them swimming by myself so I had to be resourceful! God blessed us with amazing weather that day (He definitely knows what we can and can't handle!) so we were able to take advantage of a beautiful park and play area within walking distance. I packed a lunch and we set out for a walk. Although I think I ended up more exhausted than the boys, I successfully wore them out enough that by the time we got back to our motel, we all took naps and it wasn't long before Kurt got back.
Our motel was connected to a play area and pool. We had an absolute blast climbing, sliding and literally getting lost in this playground. It is the largest indoor playarea in the Twin Cities and some of the slides are 3 stories high. Thankfully Kurt took Silas and did that while I played with Nathan in the baby area. We then went swimming for a little while. The pool was rather cold, so Nathan and I opted to watch while Silas and Daddy swam. It was a fun time by all and I feel very blessed to have had that day with my boys in Minnesota.

Silas and Nathan at the park. I tried to get them to pose, but what you don't see is Silas is kicking Nathan. Oh well, we got an ok picture out of it before it got too bad!

Silas climbing.

Hmmmm...wonder who he takes after.

Silas "helping" show Nathan how to use the sippy cup.

Nathan in the baby play area. Pucker up!

The playarea had a huge window that let sun in and as you can see it was right on Nathan, so I love this picture.

Daddy and Silas climbing in the playarea.