Kurt is away at a ministry conference this week, and Silas and I miss him dearly. Things just aren't the same without Daddy around! It's unfortunate that it takes Kurt being gone for me to realize how much he does for Silas and I. For example, this morning not more than 2 minutes after my alarm went off (5:00 am), Silas started crying. I had a crisis moment. Normally, I nudge Kurt and tell him I'm taking a shower and to either listen for Silas or go get him. Therefore, I get a nice long shower stress free and am able to get ready for work w/o any problems. However this morning, no such luck. I ended up taking a short, stressful shower knowing that Silas was screaming his head off, but really had no other option in order to get ready for work. Oh I could go on, and today is only the first day that Kurt is gone. Please pray for Silas and I as we unite to try and get through 2 weeks of Daddy being gone. Kurt if you are reading this, I greatly appreciate all you do and what a big role you play in our lives. We love you and miss you and can't wait for you to get back home!
Anyways, I wanted to attach a few pictures I took awhile back that are pretty cute. I hope you enjoy!

Silas taking every pair of socks out of mommy's sock drawers.......

Oh I love grilled cheese sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cute, huh!
1 comment:
Hi guys! Silas and Lydia should hang out! She LOVES her grilled cheese too...one of her absolute favorite foods. Thanks for posting all these great pix and keeping up with it! We aren't so faithful, but are trying to get back in the swing of it. It's been a l o n g winter here in Chicago, and we feel like we're awakening again along with the flowers in the sun! Hope you are all doing well - Silas is a handsome little guy. love, sam + jess
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