Well, it has been awhile since we posted. Kurt was gone two weeks in a row, so that was very challenging on me. We made it though and Silas was so excited to see his daddy. So excited that when Kurt left for work today, he had a meltdown. He definitely loves his daddy.
I wanted to attach a few pictures that I thought were really cute. Silas got his first balloon last weekend and he absolutely loves them. He wouldn't let it go, so much that as you can see in the picture, he fell asleep holding onto it. We had to get rid of it while he wasn't looking. He hasn't gotten the concept that it can pop if you hold onto it too tight. But it was fun to see him play with it. The other picture is us hiking this weekend. We had beautiful weather and so we took advantage of it. Silas loves this little backpack that we have. We actually have to hide it so he can't see it when we're not using it, otherwise he just points at it and wants to go for a walk. I think we have an outdoors child on our hands, which is a very good thing, since we'll probably hike almost every weekend this year.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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