I was very thankful this vacation home to be able to see some of my friends that still live in the area. It is so nice to catch up with different people and see where life has taken each of us. Here are a few people I enjoyed visiting. 
Here is my friend Ellen with Abby. It was so nice to spend an afternoon with her and have her meet Abby. We enjoy one another's company and so it is always a blessing spending time together.

I had a playdate with some high school friends. Here is my friend Jessica with her youngest.

This is my friend Wendy with her youngest.

Here are the three of us at Jessica's house. I can hardly believe we've been out of school for almost 15 years, as it seems like just yesterday we were running track together, playing softball, going to homecoming and prom or having sleepovers. Time seems like it has slipped away from us! Thankfully I enjoyed such a good time with these friends as it seems like although we don't see one another often enough, we can catch up very quickly. I also loved seeing both of their children and now seeing them as moms also. What a fun season we are in as we can laugh about motherhood and where our lives have taken us!

Here are all of our kids! I'm surprised we got this good of a photo!

Here is my friend Hillary on the left and her sister Kerensa. We grew up living literally right next door until her family moved in 3rd grade. We kept in touch through the years and were in each other's weddings. She blessed me by driving all the way from Des Moines (31/2 hours) with her 3 year old to come see me. We decided to meet at the pool so the kids could play while we talked. It was so much fun. Thanks again Hillary for such a wonderful time!

Hillary with her son Sam.

Here our Hillary's, Kerensa's and our children as we ate after swimming.

Here is my grad school roommate. What a pleasant surprise to be able to see her in Iowa. She is from CA and we were roommates at Univ of WI-Madison and we were able to see her last year when we went to CA. Well, her and her husband have now moved to Iowa City so he could further his education in dentistry at Univ of Iowa. We were able to see their house and then while Josh went to school, Alison and her new baby Emily came out to eat with us. What a delight it was to catch up and see how life has been for her in transition. She's been such a blessing to Kurt and I and I'm so thankful to have her in Iowa to visit for a few years. Plus, now she'll have some Hawkeye blood in her....he, he!

Alison and her daughter Emily with Abby and I.
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