Other than that, Abby has proven to be our easiest baby yet! She's very predictable and by that I mean when she wakes up in the morning and when she takes her naps. Her afternoon nap already coordinates with the boy's naps, so if all goes well, I at least get a few minutes to myself before Silas is done w/ his hour quiet time. She also likes to be fed and in bed by 8 or 8:30 and then sleeps through the night! YEAH! She's overall a very happy and content baby. She doesn't mind being on the go and can sleep just about anywhere if needed. She has just started to roll over but not consistently. She does have a "stiff neck" (it has a term but I forget it already) and favors looking to one side. We are trying to force her to turn to the other side per our dr's orders. If this doesn't get better by 6 months, then we might need to go to PT for further exercises.
Abby is still very loved by her brothers and we're still working on gentleness with them. I think at this rate, she might be one tough cookie to put up with these boys! Oh well, she's protected, right! Anyways, she's such a blessing and we feel very blessed and honored for our three children.

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