Just thought I'd update since I have a little bit of time. We've had a fun week so far and I can hardly believe it is Friday tomorrow. On Wednesday, one of the benefits of living nearby the Air Force Academy is their graduation ceremony. The Thunderbirds always perform an airshow and it is incredible. I would love to be in the football field sometime to watch it, but for now, we watch it at a mall nearby. It was a great show and Silas loved it. I will post a few pictures, although it doesn't give the full effect by any means. Just caught a few on camera.
Ok, you can barely see them, but I think you get the point.
Here's another formation. They were really beautiful!

Today we had a fun day at the park with a bunch of friends. Before we went though, Nathan was being very silly. He has now learned how to clap and will just sit there and clap. Silas then copies him and so we are all clapping and Nathan thinks it is a riot. Well, before we left for the park, I put a hat on him and it just made him silly as ever. I got a few pictures that I couldn't resist!
I hope to post before we leave, but if not, we are heading on vacation for two weeks. Yes, we are leaving for Iowa and Chicago so Kurt can do some work in the midwest and we can visit family. Both of my sisters and step sister and families will be home, so there will be 9 cousins enjoying themselves in Iowa. I don't think Grandpa Shippy and Amma are fully prepared for this again! Get out the 4 wheeler, tractors and lots of room to run on the farm....should be fun!
Here's where we started with the hat on and him playing.
He's starting to think he doesn't want it on even though he is so dang cute w/ it on!
He's going to figure out how to get this off yet!
Just tipping his hat!
Now he realizes it is a game.....

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