Hard to believe it, but we had Nathan's 1 month dr's appt today. It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, so for it to be a month is amazing! Anyways, he's still a good sized baby. He weighed 10 lb 13.5 oz which is the 78%. His height is 22 inches and that is in the 68%. His head is the 45%.
Other than that, we are having some problems in the evenings with him being a bit colicky. He has some issues w/ gas, so we're going to start using some drops to help that. The other evening, we were up with him from 8 pm to 1:30 am with him just crying. Thankfully every night is not like that, but it is becoming a lot more frequent, so we're going to try the drops and hope that this helps.
Silas still really loves his brother, but there are times he gets jealous. I guess that is expected, but I know in a year or so they will be best buddies!
Well, Grandma Aichele comes and visits this week, so we're excited to spend time with her. We'll hopefully post pictures of that visit. Have a great weekend.