This is the Aichele family's attempt at going green... as you all know, it probably won't last. (Sheila is too much of a list person - the boys have followed suit - and, well I just really don't have that much energy to expend to think about it). For those who have followed our blog since we moved back here, you'll notice that it's been a few months since we've put anything up... so we thought it's as good a time as ever to bring y'all up to speed on this year. To make it easier on us to try to remember what happened this year, we're gonna work backwards.
In case you didn't know - in November we moved about a mile from our old home. With the family expanding, and the boys energy abounding, we thought a little more space would be helpful. God has opened the door to a home that is in town and has some land. The kids can play safely outside, we have a beautiful view of the mountains, and we're still close to our dearest friends and church family. Here's the kids in our new home. It took us more attempts to capture this one that we would care to share - just know it was all for YOU.
In case you didn't know - in November we moved about a mile from our old home. With the family expanding, and the boys energy abounding, we thought a little more space would be helpful. God has opened the door to a home that is in town and has some land. The kids can play safely outside, we have a beautiful view of the mountains, and we're still close to our dearest friends and church family. Here's the kids in our new home. It took us more attempts to capture this one that we would care to share - just know it was all for YOU.

Here's a view from the upstairs. You'll see Pike's Peak - and if you look beneath it, you'll see the Garden of the gods.

It's been a year filled with visitors - Sheila's parents, her sister and her family, and my Mom were able to make it out. We have a feeling it was because we welcomed our fourth into the world but they all would say they would have come anyway. (We know the truth)...
Selah (or affectionately referred to as our second Nater) continues to grow according to the Aichele genes, and is simply a happy baby - full of smiles, and relatively calm. But she does like to eat.
Selah (or affectionately referred to as our second Nater) continues to grow according to the Aichele genes, and is simply a happy baby - full of smiles, and relatively calm. But she does like to eat.

Abby (22 mos.) is truly a Daddy's girl and definitely lets us know what she wants. She takes after mama having finally made it to 20 lbs only a couple of months ago. She loves to climb (bookcases, pantry shelves, the bunk bed ladder), will sit in your lap ANYTIME an opportunity arises, and loves to have you read to her.

Nathan (3) lives up to his nickname (Nater Tater) as the clown of the family. Amazingly though, he's also our considerate one, who often thinks of others before himself. When we asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he quickly replied, "Something for Selah..." He knows how to push things to the limit, most of the time without going overboard. He loves to sing, is really - REALLY - loud, and can melt your heart in an instant.
Silas (4 and a half) makes sure you know the half is included in his age, continues to amaze us. He memorizes things really without trying (can be scary), remembers everything, tells us which way we’re supposed to turn to get to whatever store we’re going to (which can be helpful for Sheila), and loves to read. He’s picked it up pretty quickly, and looks forward to “school” time in the afternoons. He learned to ride a bike this year (those posts are earlier in the year), loves to play baseball and soccer, and is usually willing to help mama bake.
Thankfully we
were able to get out camping a few times, and it was a blast. Though we were a
little restricted by Selah’s birth, she quickly stepped up to the table so we
could go out only four weeks later. While mama learned that the little bed in
the camper was pretty comfortable, Daddy learned that sleeping with Abby could
not be called sleeping.
We made it back
to Iowa/Chicago around Easter time, as the second half of our trip to
Washington D.C. to spend some time with my colleagues out there. Speaking of
work – we are grateful for the wonderful organization God has allowed me to be
a part of. Not only are we experiencing exciting growth, I honestly love what I
do. (Granted, Sheila still isn’t sure what that is, but that’s a discussion for
a later time). I encourage you to check out - it’s a non-profit that we are closely aligned
with. Knowing the return on our efforts goes directly to meeting the medical
and psycho-social needs of countless children and widows in Haiti make all our
efforts truly worth it.
Underlying it all, we are grateful for the many ways God continues to make Himself known to us. We continue to thank God for the church family he’s blessed us with. It is a privilege to experience His grace through the lives of all those who care for us in so many ways. Whether as a support to Sheila while I travel, as confidants to talk through life’s challenges, or simply as trusted friends that we get to camp with – we are amazed.
We wish we
could see you this Holiday season, but know that God is in control. While we
may not know what tomorrow holds – we know who holds tomorrow.
Merry Christmas!
Kurt, Sheila, Silas, Nathan, Abby, Selah, and – of course – Haven
(Here's a little reminder of why we are grateful we live out here...)