Abby is such a little peanut! She is weighing in at 15 lb 3 oz which is the 1%. So, she is just barely on the charts! Her height is 27 inches, so she's in the 32% there. I've started her more on table foods and so she is basically rejecting baby food, because she loves to eat what we are eating. I'm thankful for that, but boy does she get messy. Kurt thinks she is our messiest eater yet. I basically give her a bath every night! She has just started to crawl and that has added a new dimension to our life! The boys haven't figured out yet that she can get to just about anything, so nothing is safe! This has caused some problems when they've built a wonderful train track and Abby tears it apart! Abby's a talker. Her favorite thing to babble is "da, da" which is typical of all of our kids. Kurt is sure enjoying that! She's sleeping through the night (for the most part), so I'm thankful for that too! She still absolutely loves her brothers. They can get her giggling like no other. However, they also cause her much frustration when I find them climbing on her and wrestling with her. Yes, we're still working on the fact that yes, she can crawl and she's mobile, but you don't wrestle with your sister!
Here are some pictures to enjoy.
This is how much Abby enjoys eating!
Here are some pictures to enjoy.

Abby in her new Iowa Hawkeye's outfit from Aunt Jill and family. Too bad it hasn't given us much luck! But at least she looks cute on gameday!

This is where I found Abby the other day.

Abby and Mommy.

Here are some recent 9 month pictures of Abby.