We have hit a milestone in our marriage.....we no longer are tent camping!!!!!!!!! Yeah! We did our last tent camping experience as a family and on the way home I told Kurt I will never do that again until our kids are MUCH older! This was sad in a way, because we love to camp and we've been doing it every summer since we got married, but I just knew I couldn't do it again. So, we've looked into campers quite a few times, but we never had the resources, or when we did, the door closed and we knew the timing was not right. So, this time around we started looking again and this experience has really shown us how it truly pays off to be patient and put much wisdom and prayer into big purchases.
Here is a brief description of some details that helped us in this decision. As we started to look, a gentleman from our church told us his daughter was wanting to sell their camper. He said it was in perfect condition and we should look at it. After some contemplation because of the price and it had way more things than what we thought we needed, we decided to go ahead and look at it. Sure enough, mint condition and although it had more than what we thought we needed, we started to realize if our family grows these features might come in handy and it can actually be something we grow into. The price was more than what we wanted to pay, but we soon realized that what they were listing it at was well below what it was worth and they just asked that we just pay it off for them. Hmmm...that helped us to realize how much we were getting. So, then we thought about it and prayed about it and soon realized there were two things that would not allow us to get the camper. Because it was a larger camper than what we anticipated, it was too heavy for our mini van to tow. Well, a friend of ours has allowed us to use their suburban to tow it. (that is a whole story in and of itself, but what a blessing). Ok, so now where to store it? Another friend of ours said, hey you can store it at our house for free. Hmmmm...ok, so now we felt much better about it all. So, we went with this family to the bank with our certified check and we are the proud owners of a new camper!!!!!!!!! Yeah....here are some pictures of our first camping trip. More pictures to come because we're going again this weekend! (thank goodness for the amazing heater it has!)

Here's our new pop up camper

Here is Kurt making us breakfast on our stove and even our oven. This has a fridge and double sink and even a toilet if we need it. It also has tons of storage and even room for Haven to sleep with us.

The boys eating breakfast at our table which turns into a full size bed.

Here's the boys on their bed (we had to baby proof it so that they wouldn't fall out.) We have two king sized beds, lots of room for all of us.

Daddy and Silas and Nathan fishing at the lake.

Playing in the swimming pool at the campground.

We are so excited about our new adventures and all the places we will get to camp and make memories as a family!