So, it is much harder to find time to get posts up here, so I will post about our last month. Let's see, where to begin! Abby is now smiling as you can see from the pictures. Even though I'm with her most of the time, she smiles more for daddy than she has me. So, she already knows how to win his heart....look out! Here is a picture that Kurt caught of her smiling while I was out taking the boys for a walk.

We had a very blessed Easter. We were able to attend our church and enjoy wonderful fellowship there along with the usual potluck our church has after service. Most families stay for the potluck, so it is so nice to enjoy Easter with our church family. We also were able to go to an Easter egg hunt at a friend's house. This was the first year both boys really got into it. Silas gathered a lot of eggs fast, and then we had to tell him to help Nathan because he was getting too many and it was neat to see him start helping Nathan gather eggs. I need to remember those moments more since we are in the "not sharing" stage of life!
Anyways, here are some pictures of Easter.

Abby "posing" for an Easter shot.

We gathered all 3 kids together on the floor to try and get a picture. So, it kind of turned out.

Here is our "funny" Easter picture. We couldn't get them all 3 to sit in their nice clothes for a picture, so these are the pictures you have to keep to laugh at. Notice Silas elbowing Nathan who is crying and Abby is also crying...ahhhh, the memories.

So, we only got each of the boys with Abby separately, but they turned out pretty good.

Here are the eggs we decorated at home.

Silas and Nathan showing off their eggs from the Easter egg hunt at my friend's house.
I hope everyone had a Blessed Easter!