Wow, I'm not sure how a month has almost passed since my last update, but time sure has been passing us by! Since our last post, we've had some sickness pass through our house. Nothing severe, just roseola and a bout of croup (Silas both times) and now Nathan has a cough, so really can't complain, but does keep you on your toes! Kurt has been traveling quite a bit, I think since I wrote last he has been in Turkey and London, so busy, busy!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kurt had Thursday-Monday off, which was such a blessing! The weather was absolutely beautiful here, so we got all of our Christmas decorations up including outside lights and we were hanging them in short sleeved shirts.......weird! We were able to spend Thanksgiving dinner at some close friends of ours along with many others from our church family. It was such a blessing to spend a holiday with so many believers, the conversations we had, the games that were played and watching the kids of all ages play together.....what a joy! We definitely feel blessed in so many ways.
Now, we are very excited to be able to travel as a family tomorrow to Pittsburgh. Kurt has some work there and so while he works, the kids and I will be at my sisters playing...he, he! Kurt does have a few days off that he'll spend with us, but just thankful that we all get to tag along! Kurt did get tickets to the professional hockey game and he's taking my nephew and brother in law, so they are excited about that. I'm just thrilled to be able to see where my sister lives and spend some time with them while the kids get to know one another better. Silas is so excited because he had so much fun with Alec when we were all home over Christmas last year. It'll be neat to see them all together again.
I do have pictures of us putting up the tree and our lights, but I think I'm going to call it a night after I pack a few more things, so they'll just have to wait.....hopefully not for another month!! I hope to get an update about the trip as soon as we get back!