Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun Times

Wow, is anyone else surprised that it is already August? Time flies when you are having fun. As challenging as this stage of life is with such young children, there are also blessings. I don't hear, "I'm bored" because I don't think they know what that word means....and it's the little things that entertain them the most. I got out a few buckets and filled them with water and gave them measuring cups and balls and rocks and an hour later they were still having a ball. Here are some pictures to show how fun such a simple thing can be.

Yes, they even decided to hop in and sit in them for awhile. Why not?

We also participated in our library's summer reading program. We attended the end of the summer party and got to see the helicopter, police cars and lots of other things. Nathan is really into airplanes and helicopters these days. So, shortly after we saw the helicopter at the party, it had to leave to go on a call, so it flew off. Here is what Nathan says at least 10 times a day to us (mind you this was already 2 weeks ago!).

Nathan: "Hecopter go bye-bye"
Us: "Where did it go?"
Nathan: "Eat wunch"
Us: "What does it eat?"
Nathan: "Jelly" (that means peanut butter and jelly sandwich"

Pretty creative, but we have this conversation constantly. You can just see his mind processing the whole thing over and over. He's at such a cute and fun stage!

Here's Silas in the helicopter and riding on the motorcycle.

Here's Nathan in the helicopter and motorcycle.

Both boys in the backseat of the police car.....scary, hope I never have to experience that!

Aww...trying to teach them to hoolahoop! Fun times.

Other than that, Abby is doing great. I just started her on solid foods and she's not really interested yet. The boys get a kick out of how messy she gets. I'll have to post pictures soon of that. This has made some excitement at our breakfast and supper table hearing them giggling and laughing at her, which in turn makes her giggle and so everyone ends up laughing. Who knew it could be so much fun? More picture of Abby and our recent camping trip soon!

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