Monday, March 8, 2010

Silas is THREEEEEEEE....

It's hard to believe that three years has already passed by... Thankfully, we were able to spend the day as a family, and as you'll see, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Silas got a bike - and of course, a helmet. If you look closely, you'll notice mama even insisted that he wear elbow pads. I'm not sure how fast she thinks he's going to be going on that thing, but hey, at least he's safe right?

Here's hit first attempt (with a little help)...

Now he thinks he's a pro... As you can see, his riding has improved... (not too bad for a couple hours later)

And yes - he's still a goof ball at home.

We went to a place called 'lil Biggs - an arcade for toddlers, and you can see what fun we had.

Nothing like a HUGE bounce house for the kids... here's an action shot.

Nathan even had fun... the videos tell it all!

Cake anyone?

Here's the next morning - it's amazing what a night's sleep can do for someone's riding style! And yes, he went around...and around...and around...

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