Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Tree

We put our Christmas tree and lights up on the day of Thanksgiving and then we finished on the day after. It was so much fun to see the boys really getting into it and help daddy put up the tree. We decided to wait to decorate it when they were napping, since at this stage it is just much easier that way. I was a bit concerned as to how Nathan would be with touching the tree and ornaments, however, as of yet, this hasn't been a problem. He's come close a few times and we tell him not to touch it and he backs right up, so I'm hoping it will continue to be that easy!

Here are a few pictures of our decorating and final project.

Here's Nathan helping to bring the different branches to Daddy. He did such a good job listening!

Silas helping too and he was in the Christmas spirit wearing the antlers.

Nathan just woke up from his nap and Daddy was showing him the finished product. All he could do was point.

1 comment:

Soppe's said...

The tree looks beautiful! And next to that Grand it looks like a picture out of a magazine:)