Friday, September 18, 2009


We had an absolute blast at Disney! We weren't really sure if Silas would enjoy it or not, because he doesn't know all of the characters. Since we don't really watch much TV or movies, we did have some books with Mickey and Minnie and so we had been reading them to him so he would be familiar with it.

Well, as soon as we got to Disney, we saw a line for Mickey Mouse and asked him if he wanted to meet him. He immediately said yes, so we stood and waited. As we were waiting, he would randomly start jumping up and down saying, "Nathan is so excited to see Mickey." That is his new thing, anytime he's really excited, he just says that Nathan is. So it is really cute. Anyways, we got to meet a ton of the characters and ride some rides and just enjoy time together. I think Silas's favorite would be Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore. He was so excited to see them and we even rode the Pooh ride twice because he wanted to.

So all in all, a good day. Silas didn't have a nap (Nathan fell asleep in the stroller), so it was a pretty early evening and only one meltdown (due to not napping!), so overall not bad! Especially since it was record heat there that day. Here are some pictures.

Ok, meeting Lightning and Mater was a close 2nd to his favorite thing to see!

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