Monday, January 19, 2009

God's sense of humor

I am going to blog this basically for me to remember what happened tonight, because it was very funny! I don't think this blog will even portray how funny the situation was, but these are memories I don't want to forget.

We were all at supper and Silas was continuously asking for his water, his milk, crunchies, you name it. However, he wasn't saying "please" which is something we've been working on constantly. I tell Kurt all of the time that I feel like a broken record asking him "how to ask" in which he immediately says "please". So I know he can do it. Also, anytime he really wants something (ie. cookie) you never have to ask him to say please....hmmmm.

So after numerous attempts, I was at my wits end with him. So, after he asked for crunchies w/o saying please, I proceeded to say out loud, "Lord, when is this child going to learn how to ask?" No more than a second later w/o any promptings, Silas immediately started repeating 'please, please, please," numerous times. He has never done that before. Normally when we tell him to say please he only does it once, so it was so funny to have him do that. Kurt and I looked at each other and just laughed. That was the quickest answer to prayer ever and boy does God have a sense of humor with us.

Boy has this child already taught me so much about myself. I had to stop and think about how many times God is so patient with me when he blesses me beyond what I can even imagine in both big and small ways, and I don't take the time to thank him. How many times do I demand something or ask for something and expect it without truly seeking the Lord and praying about it. What an amazing, gracious, forgiving and patient God we have as a heavenly Father. I pray I can even just show a glimpse of that love to my children, so that they may see Jesus through me.

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